Staying Ahead of ‘The Great Relocation’

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As the world continues to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, many commercial building owners and shopping center managers are feeling optimistic for a return to pre-pandemic conditions. And with that expectation comes an emerging trend in which tenants are seeking out new locations that offer superior leases and amenities.

We call it, “The Great Relocation.”

After successfully weathering a global pandemic, now is not the time to get left behind. Restoring your property to its pre-COVID shine should be of utmost importance in order to retain your current tenants and gain new ones.

Luckily for you, CAM Property Services is here to help. Our property experts perform an array of critical services that can help bring your building back to life without breaking the bank. From making a strong first impression with superior outdoor maintenance to keeping your interiors looking as good as new, CAM has you covered.


People make first impressions, and so do places. This is why properly maintaining the exterior of your building is so critical. Visitors form an impression long before they step inside. Is it clean? Is there paint chipping away? Is the landscaping up to date? Is the parking lot well lit? Are there potholes?

All these elements should be considered before introducing a potential new tenant to your property.

Cigarette butts, glass, trash bags, and other debris aren’t just eye sores — they’re hazards that can cost you a tenant in the long run. CAM can help prevent this from becoming an issue with our parking lot sweeping services. We don’t just make your parking lot feel safer, we’ll make it more appealing. Additionally, CAM can haul illegal dumping from your property.

Street sweeper cleaning gutters

Other headaches like damaged facia from sign removal, old signage, vandalism, and neglected landscaping can further damage your property’s image and value. CAM’s experienced team can handle these problems and others. From using nutrient-rich mulch in landscaping to repairing damaged areas surrounding the building, we’ll have your property looking its best in no time.


Once potential tenants are inside, the real sales pitch begins. Having a clean space to showcase can make or break a deal. CAM can help smooth the transition from one tenant to the next through our vacancy prep services. These services include cleaning the interior and exterior of your vacancy, shelling out the space, and smoking out the windows to effectively showcase your property.

People walking around in large indoor mall serviced by CAM property services

After a new tenant has signed on, keeping them happy is paramount. An attentive area manager can do just that. CAM’s experts have a keen eye for floor care, maintenance, and handyman services. Both tenants and customers will feel at ease knowing that your property is well maintained and monitored.

Getting your property back to pre-pandemic levels can feel like a major challenge. With help from CAM, you can make your property appeal to new tenants while retaining your current ones. From maintaining your parking lot to keeping your interiors looking as good as new, CAM is your property management partner.

Call us today to get started at (800) 576-3050.

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    All Your Facility Needs From One Source

    Benefit from the reliability of professional janitorial services, landscaping, property inspection and facility maintenance combined with the convenience of managing it all through one service provider. Big or small, we can do it all.

    Above Ground Your Property May Shine, But There’s An Enemy Lurking Below

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    Your property is being judged before people even step foot on it. If your grounds aren’t enticing or aesthetically pleasing, the first impression to tenants and visitors is already sullied. An ideal way to keep your business park landscaping curb appeal pristine is with pre-emergent spraying.

    As a property professional, there’s nothing worse than putting time, energy, and resources into your commercial landscaping — only for it to be slowly taken over by pesky weeds. Luckily for you, CAM Property Services offers pre-emergent spraying to keep those uninvited guests at bay. Prevention is key, and we’re here to help.

    Here’s how it works:

    When utilizing the pre-emergent spraying process, herbicide is sprayed (before weeds are visible) to create an invisible barrier below the soil. As weeds begin to grow and hit that barrier, they are killed upon contact, and never break through the soil.

    Pre-emergent spraying

    When it comes to weed control, the pre-emergent process is the most effective preventative measure. It’s safe to use around essential plants, and once applied, kills weeds permanently. This is not to say that dormant weeds can’t make a return down the road, or that animals or uncleaned mower head decks won’t transport seeds. It’s not a miracle worker. Some things just cannot be controlled.

    Keep in mind that pre-emergent is only effective if employed before your property has a weed infestation. Once germination begins, it’s very difficult to stop. Proactive spraying prevents the germination process from even initiating. This is why we recommend an herbicide treatment before or during Spring. When done then, you can look forward to a weed-free summer.

    Before and after pre-emergent spraying

    CAM Property Services is here to help keep your maintenance and landscaping to the highest standard. We currently provide the highest quality services for over 1,300 properties across California, and that number is constantly on the rise. Commercial landscape pre-emergent weed control is just one of the many services we offer. Our reputation for knowledgeable and personable care is unmatched, and we’re always taking on new clients, big and small.

    Call (800) 576-3050 to find out how you can onboard California’s ultimate landscaping services for your commercial property.

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      All Your Facility Needs From One Source

      Benefit from the reliability of professional janitorial services, landscaping, property inspection and facility maintenance combined with the convenience of managing it all through one service provider. Big or small, we can do it all.

      Government Contract Work for Basic Property Services

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      The trend to use contract labor for municipality needs is on the rise as local governments rely more on outsourced contract work to provide basic services once fulfilled by city and county workers. This offers clear advantages as private companies adapt more easily to fluctuations in demand and regulatory changes, while providing services by workers with specialized property skills.

      During the pandemic slowdown, facilities were able to get by with limited staffing and deferred maintenance. As the general public begins to congregate in greater numbers, city governments, county departments, business improvement districts (BIDs), and even schools are turning to commercial property services companies for assistance with primary property needs.

      municipalities local government services outsourced property services municipality contract labor
      sweeper truck picking up trash with parking lots daily cleaning

      CAM Property Services, a California-based company, recently secured a contract to provide “janitorial services in three City of Pasadena parking lots.” Contracted services include daily cleaning of parking lots including use of a sweeper truck, picking up trash, emptying public trash cans, and pulling weeds in tree wells. While this is not their first municipal contract, it represents a shift toward more basic services than previous contracts covered.

      As cities face difficulties in meeting their standard labor needs, they are outsourcing tasks that have traditionally been handled internally. They are finding mid-sized companies that provide a variety of services are in the best position to meet these needs.

      Service companies also tend to provide staff with a higher degree of skill and expertise in a particular service. They often come with specialized equipment and experience across multiple asset classes, therefore can provide a higher level of professional service than a general laborer might.

      Janitorial, day porter, facility repair, parking lot maintenance, sweeping, landscaping, and power washing are some of the services now being outsourced on a regular basis as municipalities turn to property service providers to fill the void left by unfilled job vacancies.

      municipal contract labor needs landscaping labor shortages decline property conditions
      cam property service company submit a bid government bidding process

      On the other side of this equation, property service providers can also face labor shortages and tend to lean toward servicing entities with which they have a prior relationship or wish to establish a new, long-term business arrangement.

      Picking up government contract work is no easy task for companies either. The process requires strict adherence to bidding guidelines. Financial transparency, substantive liability coverage, human resources adaptability, and proven operational proficiency are a few of the hurdles required just to qualify and submit a bid for government contracts. Besides the significant amount of work that goes into bidding these jobs, the minimum performance qualifications present a high bar that many service companies are unable to meet, thereby excluding those companies from submitting a bid.

      If you are a government entity, you may wish to establish a relationship with a property service company before the need becomes dire. Working out the nuances of bid contract work and building rapport is better achieved under normal circumstances.

      As every sector readjusts to post-pandemic conditions, many of these variances may become the norm. Municipalities will adjust their labor needs and processes, the benefits of outsourced property services will be realized, and the labor force will take on a different form. A shift in the way you contract business today will help keep your “supply chain” of property services steady to meet future needs.

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        All Your Facility Needs From One Source

        Benefit from the reliability of professional janitorial services, landscaping, property inspection and facility maintenance combined with the convenience of managing it all through one service provider. Big or small, we can do it all.