How CAM Property Services Can Help Your Company Be Water-Wise

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The drought has hit the state of California hard. In March, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the first three months of 2022 were the driest ever recorded in the state’s history. On top of this, in 2021, all 58 California counties were under a drought emergency proclamation.

It’s clear that we all need to do our part to help reduce water usage and get California back on track. As individuals, the state of California recommends water usage tips such as turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth and taking five-minute showers, but what can companies do to conserve water usage and avoid overuse fees?

CAM Property Services, your commercial property management expert, recommends the following best practices:

1. Install Smart Irrigation Systems
A large amount of our water is used outdoors for landscaping, but according to the state of California, much of it can be lost through evaporation, wind, and runoff. More efficient irrigation systems can prevent this, resulting in reduced water usage and preventing overuse fees. Our CAM Property Services experts can help not only pinpoint water loss but also install smart irrigation systems to prevent it.

Smart irrigation systems

2. Install Drought Tolerant Landscaping
Another way to reduce the amount of water used outside is to install drought-tolerant landscaping. According to Save Our Water, the use of drought-resistant plants and trees can save you 30-60 gallons per 1000 sq. ft. each time you water them. CAM can help in this process by removing your current landscaping and installing more water-conservative fauna that is indigent to the area.

Set mower blades to three inches

3. Set Your Mower Blades to 3 Inches
If you’ve grown attached to your lawn, don’t fret! Another easy-to-implement tip to save water is to set your mower blade to three inches. According to the state of California, such a simple trick can allow your grass to grow deeper roots, saving up to 50 gallons of water per day. Our experts at CAM Property Services can easily implement this tip, saving you water without sacrificing the landscaping you’ve grown to love.

4. Fix Leaks On Your Property
This may come as no surprise, but fixing any leaks both outside and inside your building is one of the most effective ways to save water. According to the state of California, a leaky faucet that lets out one drip-per-second can lose you over 3,200 gallons of water per year! Luckily for you, the experts at CAM Property Services are trained not only in fixing leaks inside and outside the building but in identifying them as well. You’ll have peace of mind in knowing that we identify and eliminate all leaks, reduce the amount of water your building uses, and help avoid costly fees.

There are many ways to reduce water usage for your building. Let CAM Property Services help get the job done.

Call (800) 576-3050 to find out the many ways we can help you be water-wise and do your part during the drought.

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    Why there’s value in showcasing your company’s values

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    When it comes to taking a stance on issues customers care about, companies can no longer afford to stay on the sidelines. According to Envirotech, 65 percent of sales measured globally were generated by companies that conveyed a commitment to social and environmental value.

    The takeaway is clear — to stay competitive, you must use your voice.

    When considering how your company approaches this challenge, it helps to break it down into three categories: environmental, societal, and governance, otherwise known as ESG.

    Environmental issues include reducing your carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment. Societal issues include promoting volunteerism to increase employee well-being. Finally, governance involves demonstrating an adherence to following government guidelines.

    Fortunately, you don’t have to tackle ESG alone, CAM Property Services is here to help you practice what you preach.


    The environmental aspect of ESG most typically involves the implementation of green energy to reduce your carbon footprint. That can mean moving to solar energy or driving electric vehicles. Another way companies are being environmentally mindful is by implementing more water-wise strategies and consumption practices.

    CAM Property Services can be of assistance in this undertaking. Our experts can ensure that your business’ solar panels are well maintained and that the energy being collected is being put to good use. We can also assist in the installation of EV charging stations and secure rebates to reduce the cost. CAM can help ensure that water isn’t being wasted from leaks while transitioning your business to more water-friendly landscaping to reduce overall use.

    From solar to water, CAM is your go-to expert in being a more environmentally mindful business.

    Team members' hands holding a small plant in soil


    The social aspect of ESG is commonly associated with maintaining the emotional well-being of your employees. People take note of companies that treat their employees well and studies show that mental well-being can lead to an increase in productivity. It may seem like a daunting task, but there are several ways one can improve the mental wellness of their employees.

    One major way is to improve and maintain the workspace. CAM Property Services’ consultants are specially trained to evaluate the workplace, ensuring everything is optimally designed, safe and up to code. By keeping the workplace in order, employees feel safe and are often more productive.

    Yellow road sign with the words "Safety First"


    The final aspect of ESG concerns following government ordinances. In California, there are plenty of restrictions and regulations that can cost you a pretty penny if left ignored. Fortunately, CAM’s experts can help you navigate this minefield. From following the Clean Water Act to making sure your building is ADA compliant, CAM is the team you can trust.

    Handicapped parking space

    Whether your company needs assistance with the environmental, societal, or governmental aspects of ESG, CAM Property Services is your go-to helping hand. Learn more by clicking HERE.

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      Five essential tips for protecting your property from Southern California wildfires

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      As this past winter fades into memory, Southern California is emerging from a season of abundant, record-breaking rain. In fact, according to the National Weather Bureau, Los Angeles has received more rain this year than Seattle.

      The result? A lush spring season characterized by verdant landscapes and vibrant wildflowers. While the beauty of this transformation is undeniable, property owners must remain vigilant as the hot summer months loom ahead.

      In a region known for its propensity for wildfires, proactive measures are essential to safeguarding your property and community. Here are five crucial tips to help protect your property from the threat of Southern California wildfires:

      Create defensible space:

      Creating defensible space around your property is one of the most effective ways to mitigate the risk of wildfire damage. Clear vegetation, dry leaves, and debris from around structures, creating a buffer zone of at least 30 feet. Trim trees and shrubs to prevent them from overhanging roofs or touching exterior walls.

      Invest in fire-resistant landscaping:

      Choose fire-resistant plants and landscaping materials to minimize the potential fuel for wildfires. Opt for succulents, low-growing shrubs, and native grasses that are less prone to ignition. Use mulch made from non-flammable materials such as gravel or rock instead of organic mulch.

      Protect your property from wildfires

      Maintain your property’s exterior:

      Regular maintenance of your property’s exterior can significantly reduce the risk of fire damage. Keep gutters free of debris and install gutter guards to prevent the accumulation of dry leaves. Repair or replace damaged roofing materials and ensure that vents are equipped with ember-resistant screens.

      Create an emergency evacuation plan:

      Prepare an evacuation plan for your property and communicate it to residents, tenants, and employees. Identify multiple evacuation routes and designate a meeting point outside the affected area. Keep important documents, medications, and emergency supplies in a readily accessible location.

      Stay informed and be prepared:

      Stay informed about weather conditions and wildfire activity in your area by signing up for emergency alerts and monitoring local news and weather channels. Keep a well-stocked emergency kit on hand with essentials such as water, food, and first aid supplies.

      As Southern California transitions from a wet winter to a hot, dry summer, the risk of wildfires should be front of mind for property owners. By implementing these proactive measures, you can help protect your property and community from the devastating effects of wildfires. Remember, preparedness is critical to minimizing risk and protecting your assets.


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        With No End In Sight To California’s Drought, CAM Property Services Helps Curb Your Property’s Water Usage

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        As California’s drought rages on, water is becoming more and more of a commodity. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of water is rising faster than the rate of U.S. inflation and any other utility service. Here in the Golden State, water usage is being significantly cut back with the implementation of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Phase 3 Water Restrictions. This initiative aims to curtail water usage by 20 to 30 percent, with violators potentially being charged up to $2,400 in fines.

        For business owners, such developments are of particular concern. And there’s no time to waste getting your property’s water usage in compliance with the latest regulations.

        It may come as a surprise to some, but the majority of a property’s water usage is outside the building. According to a recent study by the University of Utah, a staggering 70 percent of all water used within the City of Los Angeles was used to irrigate lawns.

        That’s a lot of water to use on just landscaping. If you’re looking to cut back on water usage (and really, shouldn’t we all?), perhaps the lawn is the first place to start. But you don’t have to do it alone. Fortunately, CAM Property Services can help curtail your water usage in several simple and effective ways.

        Efficient Irrigation

        One way CAM can help you save on water bills is by getting your irrigation system operating at maximum efficiency. According to the Bureau of Reclamation, 90 percent of all landscaping is overwatered by about 50 percent. That means most property owners are paying a lot more than they should be.

        Close-up of water dripping out of a water drop system

        Efficient Irrigation

        One way CAM can help you save on water bills is by getting your irrigation system operating at maximum efficiency. According to the Bureau of Reclamation, 90 percent of all landscaping is overwatered by about 50 percent. That means most property owners are paying a lot more than they should be.

        CAM can help you get on track, cutting down this overuse, in a variety of ways. First, our property pros can install a drip irrigation system, making sure that only the exact amount of water needed is used. Second, we can schedule the optimal times to water your landscaping, ensuring you get the most out of the precious water being used. Finally, we can help maintain your irrigation system, making sure leaks are handled properly and in a timely fashion so water is never wasted.

        Drought Tolerant Planting

        CAM can also help you save water (and money) by installing drought-tolerant plants. According to the Bureau of Reclamation, switching to drought-tolerant plants can cut water usage and cost down by about 80 percent. We can completely replace your current landscaping with drought tolerant plants, which are not only excellent at retaining water, but also maximizing the amount used.

        Drought tolerant plants in a rock garden

        Rebate Assistance

        If you’re concerned about the cost of completely redoing your property’s landscaping, don’t be. That’s the third way in which CAM can assist – by securing valuable rebates to help offset the cost of your landscape remodeling.

        Rebate assistance agent talking on the phone

        Rebate Assistance

        If you’re concerned about the cost of completely redoing your property’s landscaping, don’t be. That’s the third way in which CAM can assist – by securing valuable rebates to help offset the cost of your landscape remodeling.

        Recently, one of our clients wanted to replace their grass lawn with Xeriscape. The total landscaping area was 6,983 square feet so the project would have cost $21,982. However, CAM was able to secure a whopping $20,517 in rebates, so the client only paid $1,465 for the entire makeover!

        Project Size (Min/Max Sq Ft) Rebate per Sq Ft Other
        LADWP – SoCal Water$mart 250 50,000 $3.00
        • No expiration date (hurry while funds are there!)
        • Grass must be removed and replaced with drought tolerant plants, mulch; drip irrigation necessary.
        • Project must be completed within 180 days of Rebate approval.
        50,001 7 acres $1.00
        County of San Diego – Waterscape Rebate Program 10,000 $4.00
        50,000 $2.00
        Orange County – Municipal Water District of Orange County 50,000 $2.00

        As you can see there are many ways to save on your water bill, but there’s only one company that can help guide you through your options and decide which plan is best for you: CAM Property Services.

        Call 1-800-576-3050 to see how we can help you reduce your next water bill. And the one after that, and the one after that…

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